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Exciting news

Kuhenza for the children has been blessed in the last few weeks. We have received a large donation which has enabled us to purchase  4 acres of land where we plan to build a  Disability Resource Centre.

The Centre will have among other things a Resource Centre where parents, teachers and others can access information about different disabilities and how to support the children. There will also be a Daycare Centre for children with severe disabilities as well as occupational and physio therapy facilities. We will also build counselling rooms where we can provide psycho-social support to families impacted by disabilities.

Now comes the big task of fundraising for the construction of a Disability Resource Centre. We have big plans and are busy organizing different activities  so we can start building as soon as possible. Our fundraising activities will culminate on the 11th of May where we will host a celebration of the purchase of the land as well as  create awareness about disabilities and last but not least to fund raise.

You can support us via Kuhenza’s Mpesa no. 0715383335
or Kuhenza bank account number:  0123500113
Account name – Kuhenza for the Children’s Foundation
Account Number -0123500113
Bank Code – 03
Branch number – 012
Branch name – MALINDI BRANCH
Bank Swift code for international bank transfers -BARCKENX ( BARCLAYS)
IBAN – 030120123500113



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