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Mental Health in Children with Disabilities

Mental Health in Children with Disabilities

By Madeleine McMurray Mental illness is a global concern - it does not discriminate, and anyone can develop a mental illness at any point in their life. Recent research undertaken in Kenya has evidenced the problematic situation in the country…

Child Abuse, Disability, and the Global Pandemic

Child Abuse, Disability, and the Global Pandemic

By Madeleine McMurray In the USA, Child Abuse Prevention Month has occurred every April since 1983. The month is aimed towards raising awareness for the issue, educating communities on abuse prevention, and raising funds that are desperately needed to fight…

Interview with Leonard Mbonani

Interview with Leonard Mbonani

Kuhenza for The Children's founder and director Leonard Mbonani has more than 40 years of experience working with children and young adults with special needs. He has had several different positions within Kilifi County, all of them in the service…

A week of hope

A week of hope

The Corona virus which is causing so much heartache and trouble all over the world has also reached Kenya This means that all the children Kuhenza supports in boarding schools over Kilifi County has been sent home to their parents.…

Exciting news

Exciting news

Kuhenza for the children has been blessed in the last few weeks. We have received a large donation which has enabled us to purchase  4 acres of land where we plan to build a  Disability Resource Centre. The Centre will…

Workshop for traditional healers, birth attendants and soothsayers

Workshop for traditional healers, birth attendants and soothsayers

Recently Kuhenza hosted a workshop for 20 Traditional Birth Attendants, Traditional Healers and Soothsayers. The aim was to hear the views of the elders in the community, especially those who have great influence on people’s perception of anything of importance…

A chance encounter

A chance encounter

Driving to Malindi for a meeting, Kuhenza’s Director Leonard Mbonani spotted a man in a bicycle wheel chair. He was laboriously making his way along Mombasa Road, carrying three big sacks of charcoal in the wheelchair. Leonard, who never misses…

Interview with Martha M. Karo

Interview with Martha M. Karo

Kuhenza works with many wonderful people from the different schools we support and we would like you to meet them too. Here is the first of a series of interviews with some of the talented and dedicated people who are…

Disability is not Inability!

Disability is not Inability!

They did it !! From the 31stDec 2015 to the 8thJan 2016, three young disabled Kenyans completed the 9-day climb to Mount Kilimanjaro’s summit. Their goal was to raise funds to create awareness about people living with disability in their…

Awareness Day

Awareness Day

On the 16th of January we hosted a very successful and well attended Disability Awareness Day at Gede Special School. Dignitaries from all over Kilifi County attended as well as friends and supporters from ”Kupenda for the Children” from America.…

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