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Staff Training at Kuhenza for the Children

Staff Training at Kuhenza for the Children

Kuhenza for the Children has a wonderful staff. They are all dedicated to and work very hard for the children and families we support. Whether working as programme officers from Kuhenza’s office or as support teachers at the schools, they…

Autism Spetrum Disorder

Autism Spetrum Disorder

Today is the last day of World Autism Awareness Week. At Kuhenza for the Children we support many children with autism disorders and we support their parents by teaching them about autism and how they can support their child in…

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

I the coming months we want to tell you about the different disabilities we meet in the children we support. Today, the 25th of March, is International Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day so of course our first disability post is about…

An important visitor

An important visitor

  At the beginning of 2019, we were fortunate to receive a large donation which enabled us to purchase 6 acres of land. For a long time, we have dreamed of building a Resource Centre and now we are on…

Gede Special School

Gede Special School

By Susanne King Kuhenza supports children in schools all over Kilifi County. We would like to introduce you to some of the schools and in this blog you will hear the story of Gede Special School which was one of…

Upendo Parents Support Group

Upendo Parents Support Group

Kuhenza for the Children uses many different approaches in an effort to educate and support parents with a disabled child. One initiative is to assist parents to form support groups where they can help each other. As mentioned many times…

Mental Health in Children with Disabilities

Mental Health in Children with Disabilities

By Madeleine McMurray Mental illness is a global concern - it does not discriminate, and anyone can develop a mental illness at any point in their life. Recent research undertaken in Kenya has evidenced the problematic situation in the country…

Child Abuse, Disability, and the Global Pandemic

Child Abuse, Disability, and the Global Pandemic

By Madeleine McMurray In the USA, Child Abuse Prevention Month has occurred every April since 1983. The month is aimed towards raising awareness for the issue, educating communities on abuse prevention, and raising funds that are desperately needed to fight…

Interview with Leonard Mbonani

Interview with Leonard Mbonani

Kuhenza for The Children's founder and director Leonard Mbonani has more than 40 years of experience working with children and young adults with special needs. He has had several different positions within Kilifi County, all of them in the service…

A week of hope

A week of hope

The Corona virus which is causing so much heartache and trouble all over the world has also reached Kenya This means that all the children Kuhenza supports in boarding schools over Kilifi County has been sent home to their parents.…

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