At the beginning of 2019, we were fortunate to receive a large donation which enabled us to purchase 6 acres of land. For a long time, we have dreamed of building a Resource Centre and now we are on our way to fulfilling this dream.
Kuhenza Resource Centre will be built in stages. We are starting with new counselling facilities where our Project Officers can have private meetings with parents, and which will offer parents a more comfortable environment. We will be able to meet with teachers, pastors, village elders and many other people who come to us for advice and guidance regarding children with disabilities. All our teachi
ng materials and other resources will be easily available and, last but not least, we will have a play area for the children who visit Kuhenza Resource Centre.
Our aim is to employ people with disabilities in as many positions as possible. We are looking forward to having all our activities under one roof and to being able to serve the families who need us in our new Resource Centre.
We are now at the stage where we need to roof our building and we have been looking for funds for that.
On the 12th of February 2021 the Kilifi County Member of Parliament (Kilifi County Women Representative) Hon.
Gertrude Mbeyu Mwanyanje was the guest of honour at a meeting organised by Kuhenza for the Children.
She had been invited to discuss with Kuhenza’s Board of Directors how she could support us in roofing Kuhenza Resource Centre, which is currently under construction.
After a brief tour of the project the MP was extremely impressed with the ongoing work and commended the efforts of both Kuhenza and the local community.
Kuhenza’s Director Leonard Mbonani welcomed everyone, and Board member Francis Kalu gave an animated speech where he told us that when we got stuck in our building process and had run out of funds, he remembered with pride that one of his old students was now in Government so decided to contact this student, Hon. Gertrude Mbeyu Mwanyanje to see if there was any way she could support us.
To this request she answered:
“I am truly honoured by this invitation because it came from my teacher Francis Kalu who taught me through to Diploma in Early Childhood Education, When I joined politics, he advised me to go back to school so I went to University and I will make sure to invite him for my graduation in June.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to fund infrastructure with the Affirmative Action Fund which is under my docket in the County. However, because of my teacher I am requesting the Board of Directors to organise a fund-raising event which I will preside over, and with friends I will make sure that we raise the Ksh1.4 m required for roofing Kuhenza Resource Centre. This I promise to do in the shortest possible time because I respect and honour my teacher and because I believe in the work Kuhenza does for the children with disabilities.